Messages for Ray 2024
Joe Holloway - Following up. I understand he gave you a bid for spray foam.
(361) 660-6147
Justin at 138 Georgia Pl in Portland
(361) 772-6001
Needs an estimate to replce/repair subfloor and joist. Will also need floor. 12x24 room
Allison - (361) 442-0853 - Portland - Wants her fireplace caulked/sealed says it leaks when it rains (I think it’s a leak from the roof)
Consuelo Acevedo - 205 Llano Dr Portland - (361) 537-6317
Debbie Morris - Tiles - (361) 946-9495 - 310 Sea Gate in Portland
Joe Norton - 781-789-7376 - 1966 Chandler Pl Ingleside
Says he has a beam that needs some minor repair. Sounds like it's a fake beam that wraps around a real beam and it is coming off. Want to give him a call?